Monday, January 26, 2015

You're the inspiration

Sitting at the hospital the other day waiting to see the Respiratory Specialist I was re-reading all the wonderful notes from my friends on Facebook about my courage and determination to do this and how I'm an inspiration to others. 

Guess what?

I'm not an inspiration but I want to introduce you to two people who are. 

Firstly my work colleague and dear friend Tanya who is more than anything the most awesome person you will ever meet.

Tanya came into my life 2 1/2 years ago when she attended the same work related audio conferences that I did.  At that time we didn't really interact apart from my work sharing with her work any potential issues arising.  A year or so later she had moved on and low and behold she was working for my company and in the same department I was.  And our friendship just blossomed from there.

Now she is one of my besties and a woman who I look up to - even if she is shorter than me.

In our team she is the Motivator, she is our Engagement Leader. In short (and I don't mean height) she is the one that helps us feel good and she does an amazing job.  Her enthusiasm just rubs off on you to the point where you feel on such a high being around her - whether its work related or personal.

She is the one who put me onto MFP and encourages me whether Im having a good day or a not so good day. If I'm feeling down or blue she knows exactly how to perk me up again.  If shes feeling not so good I reciprocate.  If we are both having amazeballs days (and yes that is a word cause we both say it is) then we High 5 each other.And it helps that she loves my jam and marmalade and I can bribe her with it lol.

She sees the best in me when I lose my sight.

She and I have a nickname at work - Peas and Carrots -  because we go so good together.  We have built that into

And we do a lot of fun things for our team mates at work.

It's a privilege to be called her friend.

The other person I want to introduce you to is an ex work colleague of mine, Chanel.  

Chanel left Chorus a year ago and took off to pastures new in Australia.    The past year for her has had its ups and downs but this woman has just shocked the world by announcing she lost over 26 kg over the past 7 months.  That is why I call her an Inspiration. If I can aspire to do half as much as what she has done weight loss wise then I will be well on the way to achieving my goal. Her Facebook posts amaze and inspire me and I quote

So my weight loss journey started at the end of June 2014 and what an experience it's been! 

When I started I had an unhealthy mindset, believed I couldn't do it, I couldn't lose weight, I'd fail but at that time in my life I was in a very unhealthy relationship, 7 months later my whole world has changed. My mind is free of negativity, I believe in myself, I love myself for who I am, I no longer long for people to tell me I'm a good person because I can confidently say I know who I am and I'm damn proud of it.
This journey I've taken hasn't just been about losing weight, it's been about finding me and believing in myself, believing I truly can do anything!
I've found a love for the gym, I've found a love for being healthy but most importantly I've found Chanel!

So you can see how awesome she is and how she affects my own determination to achieve my goal.  I couldn't ask for a better role model.

Although these two woman aren't even in the same city as me, I feel so close to them.  We don't always talk, in fact I don't think I've actually verbally talked to Chanel since she left but we keep in great contact through other social media. I'm so looking forward to seeing Chanel when she comes home for a holiday mid this year.  It will be great to see her new body in person.

What Ive learnt is that I cant do this by myself.  In fact you can't live life without it being affected by others in both good and bad ways.  But what you can do is surround yourself by positive people whose positivity will rub of on you and make your soar to what you thought were unobtainable heights

To both of you ladies.  Thank you.  It's an honour and a privilege to know you and to share in your busy lives.

Thank you for being my Inspiration. 

P.S.  I have lost 3kg in my first two weeks.  Hows that for being Inspirational.


  1. I know it is hard work and so my hat is off to you and the positive relationships that help you to have the mind set to lose the may be interested to know that a couple of my friends were never ever small and took drastic and what I believe is unhealthy methods to loose weight ( not the kind of healthy thing you are engaging in) and they hit their goals for weight but they never ever hit their goals in regard to what they thought this would do for them in regard to the opposite gender etc. so I really hope that with your taking on this project that you can engage the mind set that helps you be happier with yourself. I often wonder if it did not have to do with their unhealthy methods and that it gave them no sense of accomplishments because of that. 3kg in 2 weeks is a LOT of weight to loose.

  2. Just had to look when I saw you were a fellow blogger.
    Welcome to MFP
    Love the inspiration Words !! Those will be great to look on when days not feel to good.
    Having someone that inspire you are importain I think.
    Mine primarly inspiration is my mom. She just turend 70 last year but dont look a day over 50. She go hiking every day, have had a healthy diet for years and she always know to appreciate the small things in life.
    Loosing weight is a humpy road, some weeks it will go smooth and your weight will melt off, and then you will have weeks with no change. I would recomend you to take measure around you body and dont only look on your weight. That way the periodes with little or no change in weight will not become so stressfull.
    Wish you all the best on your jouney to a healthier you
    Hugs from Siv
    (Sivangj on MPF)
